Astrophysicist-Hugh Ross-God is big-1/2/25
Dr Frank Turek answering difficult qns fr 31-12-24
Dr John Lennox answering difficult qns fr 1-06-24
Astrophysicist-Hugh Ross fr 23-07-24. Last Updated: 1-08-24
Cliffe Knechtle-good replies to questions-29-10-24
CS Lewis-Unshakeable faith fr 27-10-24
Richard Dawkins vs Ayaan Hirsi Ali fr 14-09-24
Once Saved Always Saved argument-discussion based on biblical evidence fr 18-06-24
Thai Lady Swana Christian Testimony (Delafe) listened to on 3-09-24
Debate between Dr Zaik Naik and Pastor Ruknuddin-9/2/25
J John Evangelist- fr 22-11-24
Donald Trump and the Faith Group- fr 16-11-24
Donald Trump and the Faith Group- fr 2-11-24
CS Lewis- fr 29-10-24
History of Israel AS PER NETANYAHU fr 22-10-24
Sean McDowell listened to on 7-08-24
Chinese Bible History fr 27-06-24
Hindu to Atheist fr 25-06-24
Richard Dawkins vs Ayaan Hirsi Ali fr 23-06-24
Once Saved Always Saved argument-discussion based on biblical evidence fr 18-06-24
Astrophysicist-Hugh Ross fr 17-06-24
Astrophysicist-Hugh Ross vs Peter Atkins fr 16-06-24
Astrophysicist-Hugh Ross fr 9-06-24
Hindu & Muslim testimony fr 25-05-24
Dr Ming Wang sharing his life, his work in mandarin and English fr 11-05-24
Dr Ming Wang sharing his life, faith and science fr 11-05-24
Dr Ming Wang testimony and sharing faith and science fr 08-05-24
Dr Ben Carlson’s testimony and sharing on God fr 02-05-24
Ray Comfort’s testimony and sharing on God fr 26-02-24
Prayer model fr 26-1-24
Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel fr 26-1-24
Mother Teresa on prayers fr 26-1-24
Paul Ai Testimony of VOI listen to fr 12-12-23
Dato Chua Jui Meng-his death on 3-12-23
Dato Chua Jui Meng on Jesus spoke to him
Dato Chua Jui Meng on death
Philip Mantofa interview-Part I-listened to on 25-09-23
Philip Mantofa interview-Part II-listened to on 25-09-23
Testimony by Ps Judith Halim and Jason Ong in Mandarin, English and Indonesian fr 30-06-23
Dato Chua Jui Meng on the Kingdom of God
Dato Chua Jui Meng on first love
Tony & Ashley Low’s testimony
Dato Chua Jui Meng-Revival Fire Movement Msia fr 24-05-23
Franklin Graham (70 yrs old)
Stephen Tong’s sermon
Lim Gee Tiong’s sermon
The Law of Love-City Life
The Gospel of Jesus
Listening to God
Edge Sermon-Relationship
Sadhu Saudar Selvaraj. The Trumpet
Billy Graham-The Holy Spirit and You
Billy Graham-How to live a Christian life
Billy Graham-Last message to the World and America
Rev Siew Chiu Huo-what is life? fr 16-07-23
Rev Siew Chiu Huo-what are you waiting for? CN-EG
Rev Siew Chiu Huo-what are you choosing? CN-EN
Rev Siew Chiu Huo-Singing Pastor in old Chinese Song lyrics-CN-EN
Preaching by Rev Siew in Foochow
Preaching by Rev Siew-How to be born again? CN-EN
Be Transformed-By Davin-Edge Church
Hope-By Glenn, Edge Church
Debate over Christian vs Atheist. Christian wins
David Pawson-His Resurrection and ours
Rev Dr Tie King Tai’s sermon
Chinese Christian testimonies
Support for Israel Folau
Hindu Phd lady becomes Christian
Ex Muslim Scholar became Christian
Existence of God
John Bevere-The Holy Spirit. An Introduction
Jonathan Edwards. Their Doom Comes Swiftly
Jonathan Edwards. The God Who Hears and Answers Prayer
Vani Marshall’s testimony
Guillermo Maldonado
David Pawson
Background of David Pawson