Sin impacts health


  • Sin affected King David’s health and he confessed to the Lord vs 7, 18;
  • He pleaded to God not to forsake him and be near to him;
  • He also prayed for deliverance from his enemies; they hate him for no reasons and repay him evil for good shown to them vs 19 – 20.

Psalms 38:3-22
[3]Because of your anger, I am in great pain;     my whole body is diseased because of my sins.
[4]I am drowning in the flood of my sins; they are a burden too heavy to bear.
[5]Because I have been foolish, my sores stink and rot.
[6]I am bowed down, I am crushed; I mourn all day long.
[7]I am burning with fever and I am near to death.
[8]I am worn out and utterly crushed; my heart is troubled, and I groan with pain.
[9]O Lord, you know what I long for; you hear all my groans.
[10]My heart is pounding, my strength is gone,     and my eyes have lost their brightness.
[11]My friends and neighbours will not come near me, because of my sores; even my family keeps away from me.
[12]Those who want to kill me lay traps for me,     and those who want to hurt me threaten to ruin me; they never stop plotting against me.
[13]I am like the deaf and cannot hear, like the dumb and cannot speak.
[14]I am like those who do not answer, because they cannot hear.
[15]But I trust in you, O Lord; and you, O Lord my God, will answer me.
[16]Don’t let my enemies gloat over my distress;     don’t let them boast about my downfall!
[17]I am about to fall and am in constant pain.
[18]I confess my sins; they fill me with anxiety.
[19]My enemies are healthy and strong; there are many who hate me for no reason.
[20]Those who pay back evil for good are against me because I try to do right.
[21]Do not abandon me, O Lord; do not stay away, my God!
[22]Help me now, O Lord my saviour!