Sing for joy to God; listen to God

Psalm 81:1-16, NIV


Sing for joy to God our strength…listening issue vs 11-14…to those who loves God.. vs 16 fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

Luke 11:37-52, NIV

Six woes to the Pharisees


Jesus criticised the Pharisees…inside them, full of greed and wickedness vs 39.

Woe 1-give a tenth to God..but neglect justice and the love of God…encourage them to do both.vs 42.

Woe 2-…love the important seats..concerns to appear important.

Woe 3-…like unmarked graves..let others walk over them without knowing it.

Woe 4…load others with burdens that they are not willing to lift..vs 46. Not lift by example.

Woe 5-…built tombs for the prophets…approve of what their forefathers did..vs 48…be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed.

Woe 6-…experts in the law..taken away the key to knowledge vs 52..they have not entered, and..hinderedthose who were entering vs 52.

Jesus told them as it is without diplomatic soft soft or going around approaches i.e told the truth..go straight to their hearts..i.e why they hated him.