Little childLittle child
Matthew 18:1-14, NIV Map: imitate little child faith to enter the KOG; seriousness of sins from God’s perspective-chop hand (figurative), gouge eyes for sinning members than go to hell with
Matthew 18:1-14, NIV Map: imitate little child faith to enter the KOG; seriousness of sins from God’s perspective-chop hand (figurative), gouge eyes for sinning members than go to hell with
Matthew 12:24-37, NIV Map stones: A kingdom divided against himself cannot stand…vs 25; He who is not with me is against me..vs 30; ..the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will
Heart A good and kind heart is an asset. God is more interested in our heart than our appearance, Guard our hearts, my friends – Ed 26-06-12 Proverbs 23:15 “My