Wisdom on:Wisdom on:
Proverbs 26:13-28 Reading On: sluggard-fierce lion, turns on his bed; quarrel not his own-siezes a dog by the ears (vs 17); deceives neighbor; quarrel takes two (vs 20, 21); gossip-choice
Proverbs 26:13-28 Reading On: sluggard-fierce lion, turns on his bed; quarrel not his own-siezes a dog by the ears (vs 17); deceives neighbor; quarrel takes two (vs 20, 21); gossip-choice
Proverbs 20:1-15 on wine, king’s wrath, man’s honour to avoid strife (vs 3), fool is quick to quarrel (vs 3), sluggard..harvest time finds nothing (vs 4, 13), purposes of a
Proverbs 15:15-21. Wisdom insights on: oppressed vs cheerful heart, better little with the fear of God vs great wealth with turmoil, meal with love vs a fattened calf with hatred
Proverbs 10:21-32. Wisdom on laziness, fool, blessing of the LORD, being righteous, man of understanding, storm of life, fear of the LORD, way of the LORD, mouth of the righteous,