The Remnant of Israel

Reading Isaiah 10:20-34

Map: ..only a remnant will return…(vs 22), destruction decreed, overwhelming and righteous (vs 22), very soon my anger against you will end and my wrath will be directed to their destruction ( vs 25), …the tall ones will be brought low (vs 33).

Sovereignty, anger, judgement, mercy and restoration of God is displayed. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom- Ed, 23-02-2021.

Isaiah 10:20-34
[20]A time is coming when the people of Israel who have survived will no longer rely on the nation that almost destroyed them. They will truly put their trust in the Lord, Israel’s holy God.
[21]A few of the people of Israel will come back to their mighty God.
[22]Even though now there are as many people of Israel as there are grains of sand by the sea, only a few will come back. Destruction is in store for the people, and it is fully deserved.
[23]Yes, throughout the whole country the Sovereign Lord Almighty will bring destruction, as he said he would.
[24]The Sovereign Lord Almighty says to his people who live in Zion, “Do not be afraid of the Assyrians, even though they oppress you as the Egyptians used to do.
[25]In only a little while I will finish punishing you, and then I will destroy them.
[26]I, the Lord Almighty, will beat them with my whip as I beat the people of Midian at the Rock of Oreb. I will punish Assyria as I punished Egypt.
[27]When that time comes, I will free you from the power of Assyria, and their yoke will no longer be a burden on your shoulders.”
[28]The enemy army has captured the city of Ai! They have passed through Migron! They left their supplies at Michmash!
[29]They have crossed the pass and are spending the night at Geba! The people in the town of Ramah are terrified, and the people in King Saul’s town of Gibeah have run away.
[30]Shout, people of Gallim! Listen, people of Laishah! Answer, people of Anathoth!
[31]The people of Madmenah and Gebim are running for their lives.
[32]Today the enemy are in the town of Nob, and there they are shaking their fists at Mount Zion, at the city of Jerusalem.
[33]The Lord Almighty will bring them crashing down like branches cut off a tree. The proudest and highest of them will be cut down and humiliated.
[34]The Lord will cut them down as trees in the heart of the forest are cut down with an axe, as even the finest trees of Lebanon fall!
Great is thy faithfulness