Trusts in God vs wicked


  • Great advice to be blameless, be still and wait patiently for God vs 7;
  • Vs 19 NIV “In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty” – for those who trusts in the Lord;
  • The Lord upholds the righteous vs 23
  • David description on the wicked fate

Psalms 37:1-25
[1]Don’t be worried on account of the wicked;     don’t be jealous of those who do wrong.
[2]They will soon disappear like grass that dries up; they will die like plants that wither.
[3]Trust in the Lord and do good; live in the land and be safe.
[4]Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desire.
[5]Give yourself to the Lord; trust in him, and he will help you;
[6]he will make your righteousness shine like the noonday sun.
[7]Be patient and wait for the Lord to act; don’t be worried about those who prosper or those who succeed in their evil plans.
[8]Don’t give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble.
[9]Those who trust in the Lord will possess the land, but the wicked will be driven out.
[10]Soon the wicked will disappear; you may look for them, but you won’t find them;
[11]the humble will possess the land and enjoy prosperity and peace.
[12]The wicked plot against good people and glare at them with hate.
[13]But the Lord laughs at wicked people,     because he knows they will soon be destroyed.
[14]The wicked draw their swords and bend their bows to kill the poor and needy, to slaughter those who do what is right;
[15]but they will be killed by their own swords,  and their bows will be smashed.
[16]The little that a good person owns is worth more than the wealth of all the wicked,
[17]because the Lord will take away the strength of the wicked, but protect those who are good.
[18]The Lord takes care of those who obey him,     and the land will be theirs for ever.
[19]They will not suffer when times are bad;     they will have enough in time of famine.
[20]But the wicked will die; the enemies of the Lord will vanish like wild flowers; they will disappear like smoke.
[21]The wicked borrow and never pay back, but good people are generous with their gifts.
[22]Those who are blessed by the Lord will possess the land, but those who are cursed by him will be driven out.
[23]The Lord guides people in the way they should go and protects those who please him.
[24]If they fall, they will not stay down, because the Lord will help them up.
[25]I am old now; I have lived a long time, but I have never seen good people abandoned by the Lord or their children begging for food.