Valuable God’s statutes, decrees-gives light and understanding

In Psalm 119-117-138, the Psalmist held God’s degrees, statutes, precepts with highest regards vs 129-130. Words used: wonderful, gives light, understanding to the simple.

In Psalm 119:119, He highlighted how God would treat the wicked of the earth.

Psalms 119:117-138
[117]Hold me, and I will be safe, and I will always pay attention to your commands.
[118]You reject everyone who disobeys your laws; their deceitful schemes are useless.
[119]You treat all the wicked like rubbish, and so I love your instructions.
[120]Because of you I am afraid; I am filled with fear because of your judgements.
[121]I have done what is right and good; don’t abandon me to my enemies!
[122]Promise that you will help your servant;     don’t let the arrogant oppress me!
[123]My eyes are tired from watching for your saving help, for the deliverance you promised.
[124]Treat me according to your constant love,     and teach me your commands.
[125]I am your servant; give me understanding,     so that I may know your teachings.
[126]Lord, it is time for you to act, because people are disobeying your law.
[127]I love your commands more than gold,     more than the finest gold.
[128]And so I follow all your instructions; I hate all wrong ways.
[129]Your teachings are wonderful; I obey them with all my heart.
[130]The explanation of your teachings gives light     and brings wisdom to the ignorant.
[131]In my desire for your commands I pant with open mouth.
[132]Turn to me and have mercy on me as you do on all those who love you.
[133]As you have promised, keep me from falling;   don’t let me be overcome by evil.
[134]Save me from those who oppress me, so that I may obey your commands.
[135]Bless me with your presence and teach me your laws.
[136]My tears pour down like a river, because people do not obey your law.
[137]You are righteous, Lord, and your laws are just.
[138]The rules that you have given are completely fair and right.

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