As I meditate on Jesus and His teachings, I will continue update this post on an ongoing basis in my spiritual walk – Ed 21-04-16
Just off the top of my thoughts, here are what Jesus stands for and did:
- A very humble birth through a virgin mother in a manger but yet the occasion was celebrated by the heavenly angels;
- Unconditional and sacrificial love for people regardless of race, gender, physical appearance;
- Focus on his mission on earth
- He was there at the beginning of the world
- He claimed that people who had seen him seen God in the flesh
- Know where he came from and where he was going to
- He preached and stressed the importance of child like faith in God for great miracles to happen, and blessed are those who have not seen Him but yet believed;
- Always helping the poor, the sinners, the underprivileged, the outcasts
- Set a serving leader example
- Full of grace and love
- Making big claims of who he is, where he comes from especially that he was with God in the beginning;
- Never turn away someone in needs especially of physical ailments
- Perform awesome miracles like turning water into wine, feeding the thousands, walk on water, silent the stormy waves, cast out demons, make the blind see, heal all kind of sickness, raise the dead;
- He has no formal education yet has great knowledge, wisdom and power
- Possess great powers even the waves and demons obey him
- Draw his strength and power from God directly
- Always in touch with His heavenly Father through prayers
- Loves the children
- Show people where to go and how to live
- Demonstrate great compassion, mercy and forgiveness
- Always defend the truth and silent on wrong accusations
- Chose disciples not based on degrees but on availability and obedience – can use anyone regardless of status, qualifications, race etc;
- He always care..genuine care and interest on people
- He never swears, never boastful – tell as it is
- He is full of confidence, love, mercy, compassion, grace, wisdom, leadership, powerful, humble and positive;
- His commands are always obeyed even by the demons and waves
- He is not wealthy in $$$, no office or a proper home to live yet being respected, followed and worshiped through centuries;
- He stresses the importance of belief or faith in God – have a child like faith
- He does not condone sins yet not being judgmental instead show compassion
- He is PURE – sinless
- He was insulted, suffered and died horrifically to PAY for OUR SINS…obedient to God unto death..thy will be done;
- He resurrected from the death (raised by God) after 3 days in the tomb
- After his resurrection, he appeared to His disciples and to many others before ascended to heaven witnessed by many;
- He promised He will one day return in great glory