When times when God is silent

  • The Psalmist cries to God and it seems God turns a deaf ear to their cries vs 5;
  • Do not cause God to be angry through sins; who can stand the wrath of God vs 1-6;
  • A bit like now when God seems to be silence to prayers in the midst Covid-19 pandemic.

Psalms 79:1-13
[1]O God, the heathen have invaded your land. They have desecrated your holy Temple and left Jerusalem in ruins.
[2]They left the bodies of your people for the vultures, the bodies of your servants for wild animals to eat.
[3]They shed your people’s blood like water;     blood flowed like water all through Jerusalem,     and no one was left to bury the dead.
[4]The surrounding nations insult us; they laugh at us and mock us.
[5]Lord, will you be angry with us for ever? Will your anger continue to burn like fire?
[6]Turn your anger on the nations that do not worship you, on the people who do not pray to you.
[7]For they have killed your people; they have ruined your country.
[8]Do not punish us for the sins of our ancestors.  Have mercy on us now; we have lost all hope.
[9]Help us, O God, and save us; rescue us and forgive our sins for the sake of your own honour.
[10]Why should the nations ask us, “Where is your God?” Let us see you punish the nations     for shedding the blood of your servants.
[11]Listen to the groans of the prisoners, and by your great power free those who are condemned to die.
[12]Lord, pay the other nations back seven times  for all the insults they have hurled at you.
[13]Then we, your people, the sheep of your flock, will thank you for ever and praise you for all time to come.