
Proverbs 22:11-16

On: a pure heart and whose speech is gracious-king for his friend, eyes of the LORD, sluggard, mouth of adulteress-deep pit, folly is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him (vs 15, NIV), oppresses the poor, gives gifts to the rich- both come to poverty (vs 16).

Proverbs 22:11-16
[11]If you love purity of heart and graciousness of speech, the king will be your friend.
[12]The Lord sees to it that truth is kept safe by disproving the words of liars.
[13]Lazy people stay at home; they say a lion might get them if they go outside.
[14]Adultery is a trap — it catches those with whom the Lord is angry.
[15]Children just naturally do silly, careless things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave.
[16]If you make gifts to rich people or oppress the poor to get rich, you will become poor yourself.

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