Wisdom and understanding


  • The fear of the Lord is wisdom and to shun evil is understanding;
  • Where wisdom and understanding be found
  • Sovereignty of God vs 23 – 27

Job 28:28
[28]God said to human beings, “To be wise, you must have reverence for the Lord. To understand, you must turn from evil.”

Job 28:12-28
[12]But where can wisdom be found? Where can we learn to understand?
[13]Wisdom is not to be found among mortals; No one knows its true value.
[14]The depths of the oceans and seas Say that wisdom is not found there.
[15]It cannot be bought with silver or gold.
[16]The finest gold and jewels Cannot equal its value.
[17]It is worth more than gold, Than a gold vase or finest glass.
[18]The value of wisdom is more Than coral or crystal or rubies.
[19]The finest topaz and the purest gold Cannot compare with the value of wisdom.
[20]Where, then, is the source of wisdom? Where can we learn to understand?
[21]No living creature can see it, Not even a bird in flight.
[22]Even death and destruction Admit they have heard only rumours.
[23]God alone knows the way, Knows the place where wisdom is found,
[24]Because he sees the ends of the earth, Sees everything under the sky.
[25]When God gave the wind its power And determined the size of the sea;
[26]When God decided where the rain would fall, And the path that the thunderclouds travel;
[27]It was then he saw wisdom and tested its worth — He gave it his approval.
[28]God said to human beings, “To be wise, you must have reverence for the Lord. To understand, you must turn from evil.”