Wisdom insights continue

Proverbs 23:1-17 reading

On keywords: dine with a ruler-gluttony-crave-food-deceptive; do not wear yourself out to get rich-wisdom to show restraint; do not eat the food of a stingy man-delicacies-thinking about the cost-vomit up-wasted your compliments (vs 6-8); do not speak to a fool-scorn the wisdom of your words (vs 9); boundary stone; encroach on the fields of the fatherless-Defender; apply your heart to instruction-ears to the words of knowledge (vs 12); withhold discipline from a child,-punish him with the rod; son’s heart is wise-my inmost being rejoice; heart envy sinners versus the fear of the LORD.

The song God laid on my heart for twp days before the title is revealed and the search ended-amazing and faithful God-Ed, 22-12-2020.

Proverbs 23:1-17
[1]When you sit down to eat with someone important, keep in mind who he is.
[2]If you have a big appetite, restrain yourself.
[3]Don’t be greedy for the fine food he serves; he may be trying to trick you.
[4]Be wise enough not to wear yourself out trying to get rich.
[5]Your money can be gone in a flash, as if it had grown wings and flown away like an eagle.
[6]Don’t eat at the table of a stingy person or be greedy for the fine food he serves.
[7]“Come on and have some more,” he says, but he doesn’t mean it. What he thinks is what he really is.
[8]You will vomit up what you have eaten, and all your flattery will be wasted.
[9]Don’t try to talk sense to a fool; he can’t appreciate it.
[10]Never move an old boundary mark or take over land owned by orphans.
[11]The Lord is their powerful defender, and he will argue their case against you.
[12]Pay attention to your teacher and learn all you can.
[13]Don’t hesitate to discipline children. A good spanking won’t kill them.
[14]As a matter of fact, it may save their lives.
[15]Son, if you become wise, I will be very happy.
[16]I will be proud when I hear you speaking words of wisdom.
[17]Don’t be envious of sinful people; let reverence for the Lord be the concern of your life.

He walks with me