Wisdom guidelines on:

Proverbs 17:14-28. Wisdom on: quarrel (vs 14, 19), guilty versus innocent, LORD detests, lacking judgement, pledge security, friend, perverse heart will not prosper (vs 20), deceitful tongue, fool, foolish son brings grief (vs 21, 25), no joy, cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries the bone (vs 22, NIV), wicked man, bribe, discerning man, innocent man, man of knowledge uses words with restraint, man of understanding, even a fool thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue (vs 28, NIV).

Topics: quarrel, silent, restraint, innocent man, cheerful heart, son, wicked man versus discerning man.

Proverbs 17:14-28
[14]The start of an argument is like the first break in a dam; stop it before it goes any further.
[15]Condemning the innocent or letting the wicked go — both are hateful to the Lord.
[16]It does a fool no good to spend money on an education, because he has no common sense.
[17]Friends always show their love. What are relatives for if not to share trouble?
[18]Only someone with no sense would promise to be responsible for someone else’s debts.
[19]To like sin is to like making trouble. If you brag all the time, you are asking for trouble.
[20]Anyone who thinks and speaks evil can expect to find nothing good — only disaster.
[21]There is nothing but sadness and sorrow for parents whose children do foolish things.
[22]Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.
[23]Corrupt judges accept secret bribes, and then justice is not done.
[24]An intelligent person aims at wise action, but a fool starts off in many directions.
[25]Foolish children bring grief to their fathers and bitter regrets to their mothers.
[26]It is not right to make an innocent person pay a fine; justice is perverted when good people are punished.
[27]Those who are sure of themselves do not talk all the time. People who stay calm have real insight.
[28]After all, even a fool may be thought wise and intelligent if he stays quiet and keeps his mouth shut.

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