Past prophecies (by Moses) about Jesus come to past...Deuteronomy.
John 1:1-5;14
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God….14 The Word became flesh…
TH: Powerful condensed words…the Word was there in the beginning with God..became flesh and lived for a while among us…taught in symbols Ch 6:53-58..whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life…the bread from heaven…this living bread is different from the manna…with his holy blood…there is perfect redemption…communion in memory of that…great news…his resurrection sitting on the right hand of God now in heaven (God in human form)…King of kings and will judge us in future (in Revelation).
Other TH: Matthew shall not lived by bread alone…; studying, meditating and obeying God’s Word brings life.