Jesus before Pilate

Matthew 27:11-31, NIV


Amazing how Jesus communicates-response to affirm a question for example, that hevis the king of the Jews…in response to Pilate’s question vs 11. In Revelation, Jesus is the King of kings. When accused of false charges, he kept silence vs 12.

People chooses Barabbas over Christ…Pilate’s wife had a bad dream over this innocent man; Pilate washed his hands with water to dis-associate himself from sentencing this innocent Christ to death but the Jewish leaders and the people there heaps the guilt on themselves and their generations…Let his blood be on us and on our children vs 25.

Jesus was humiliated (stripped), mocked, spat on, ridicule (crown of thorns), struck on the head many times, flogged, force to carry his cross and finally crucified all in the name of love, redemption and provide salvation to human beings-died for us when we are yet sinners.

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